Oral Surgery


Wisdom Tooth Removal

When it comes to wisdom tooth removal, it’s important to bear in mind that not everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth removed and in many cases, the wisdom teeth remain under the gums and never erupt fully.

toothbrush and other items next to a bonzai tree on the Roscam Family Dental Practice reception desk

Wisdom teeth are the third molar teeth, also known by dentists as ''8's'' because of their position in the mouth. They are the last of the permanent teeth to develop.

Because the wisdom teeth are the last to develop and the last to come up (erupt) and because our jaws are not often large enough for all our teeth, there may not be enough space for them. They may develop in an abnormal alignment.

In addition to being deeply situated, they are often covered by a flap or a tag of gum making space between the wisdom tooth and the flap of gum is difficult to clean. Food and other debris known as plaque can accumulate and increase bacterial growth in these areas.

This may result in several different problems such as inflammation of the gum over or around the wisdom tooth (pericoronitis) which may be quite severe, decay (caries) in the wisdom tooth or the tooth in front, and gum disease (periodontitis) in the adjacent teeth.

At Roscam Family Dental Practice, our dentists will assess your wisdom teeth before tailoring your dental treatment plan for your wisdom teeth.
If you have pain or discomfort around your wisdom teeth it’s important to contact your dentist as soon as possible so that your smile can get the care that it needs.

Dental Extractions

While the goal of nearly all dental treatment is to protect and preserve the teeth, there are certain situations where extracting a tooth may be the best or only option.

Dental extractions may be indicated in some cases where a tooth is damaged or decayed beyond repair or in certain situations where gum disease has progressed to such an extent that the tooth structure can no longer be supported.

Other scenarios where a dental extraction may be required include for orthodontic or aesthetic reasons where crowding of the teeth is having an unavoidably negative impact on your smile.

If you’re unsure or nervous about the idea of a dental extraction, just let us know. We are happy to discuss options and will do everything to ensure that your experience is as comfortable as possible.

Dr. Neysan Chah speaking to a patient about their dental extraction

Tooth Extraction Aftercare Tips

No matter the type of tooth being extracted, good aftercare is essential to help ensure the best possible recovery and result.

While your dentist will go through all the necessary aftercare steps that you will need to follow following your dental extraction, the following tips are a useful starting point:

  1. Do not rinse your mouth out after the extraction as this removes the clot which is the healing tissue.

  2. After 24 hours, gentle rinsing of the area should be done after meals with a warm salt mouthwash.

  3. Brush your teeth gently and thoroughly as usual being careful to avoid the socket area.

  4. Complete any antibiotic courses prescribed to you by your dentist.

  5. You should not smoke for at least 48 hours after having a tooth extracted as this will increase the risk of developing an infection.

  6. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for as long as possible, as they interfere with the healing process.

  7. If you have any stitches in your mouth, do not touch them.

  8. You should attend one week later for their removal or as requested by your surgeon.

  9. Try to eat soft foods until you feel comfortable enough to chew and make sure that the food is not too hot.

  10. Drink plenty of fluids

  11. Use a cold compress or pad around the cheek area to ease swelling.

  12. In case of severe pain, bleeding, or swelling, don’t hesitate to contact us immediately.

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